
Archive of : Direct Sales Tips

Books For Direct Sales Success

I love reading for pleasure and for business. I’ve read a number of excellent books to help me on my direct sales journey. I continue to search for more because we should never stop learning. Sometimes we need to be presented with the same information in a different way....

Our Favourite Products

Our Favourite Products

We are often asked which are your favorite Watkins products? Which ones do you use? So I thought I’d share some of our favorite Watkins products with you. Our team holds challenges and fun things like a scavenger hunt through out the year and one of the tasks is usually product knowledge based, we share...

How To Market Your Direct Sales Business With Vendor Events

How To Market Your Direct Sales Business With Vendor Events

You may have heard that setting up at vendor events is a great way to generate sales, meet new people who will become your customers, party hosts, and Consultants. Using events as one of your marketing strategies is a great way to expose your business to new people. Here’s how...