
Archive of : Health

How To Ease Your Anxiety and Live in the Moment

It’s a crazy world we live it and learning to live in the moment can be a very freeing state of mind. With so many things to do and worry about it’s easy to get stressed out and anxious. Understanding that “now” is all you really have can bring...

Why You Should Use Paraben-Free Shampoos

Do you ever wonder what’s in your shampoo and other body care products? If you’ve ever looked at the ingredient list you’ve probably found it isn’t a lot of help, unless you are a chemist! Most shampoos contain a chemical called parabens. What are parabens? Parabens are a sort...

Three Tips To Reduce Salt In Your Diet

Are you looking to reduce salt in your diet and increase your heart health? Or are you wondering, “What is the big deal about salt? Your body requires a certain amount of sodium to function. It helps to keep muscles moving and the electrical conduction system of nerves working...